Our Staff

The greatest asset of a good preschool lies in its human capital. Through establishing and maintaining a positive and supportive workplace environment, we hope to motivate our teachers to excel in their daily work with young children.

Mrs Poh

Senior Teacher

Diploma in Preschool Education (Teaching & Leadership)

Mrs Poh joined Mothergoose in 1990 as a young, wide-eyed trainee teacher. Over the years, she has gone on to upgrade her qualifications, culminating in her appointment as Centre Supervisor.

Now, Mrs Poh has returned to her teaching roots, preferring the close interaction with young children on a day-to-day basis provided by the teaching role, rather than the responsibilities of administrative duties.

She particularly enjoys working with the playgroup and nursery children, and is always the first to volunteer for diaper duty.

Ms Beth

English Teacher

Prof.Dip. in Early Childhood Care & Education

Ms Beth joined Mothergoose in 2011 as a trainee teacher. In her first year as a class teacher, she successfully led a boisterous group of 18 K2 children to graduation.

Youthful, brimming with enthusiasm and a genuine desire to work with young children, Ms Beth’s classroom is a reflection of her personality. Stepping inside, you will be greeted by the sounds of friendly chatter, where children feel comfortable being themselves, and at the end of the day they are always given time to enjoy doing their favourite activities with their friends.

肖老师 Teacher Xiao

Chinese Teacher

Dip. in Early Childhood Care & Education (Teaching)

Teacher Xiao joined Mothergoose in 2001.

Besides being highly proficient in the teaching of Mandarin, Teacher Xiao is also multi-talented in the arts, especially in the areas of dance and music, and she often conducts music sessions by playing on the piano instead of just using music CDs.

Teacher Xiao is also adept at incorporating elements of Chinese tradition and culture, such as classic verse and calligraphy, in the program. She is thus able to integrate these elements into the daily experiences of young children to create an environment where they can be immersed in the many facets of the language.

Ms Jacy

English Teacher

Prof. Dip. in Early Childhood Care & Education; BBA

Ms Jacy joined Mothergoose in 2008 as a trainee teacher. Since then, she has gone on to lead classes of various age groups.

Her strength lies in combining a soft-spoken image with firm handling that makes her respected and well-loved by children under her care.

Ms Jacy’s commitment and attention to the children has won the recognition and acknowledgement of many parents, who never cease to wonder why their children become so compliant while in school under her care.

Mr Chin

Preschool Manager

Specialist Dip. in Early Childhood Education; B. Engineering

Mr Chin took over the reins of Mothergoose 8 years ago, and has been working at shifting the emphasis of the program away from worksheets, while still retaining sufficient rigour to prepare children adequately for Primary schooling.

Although primarily focused on the administrative and operational aspects of managing the preschool, Mr Chin always finds time to make his rounds of the various classes. His favourite activity is reading “Where the Wild Things Are” to the Nursery children.

With his early childhood training and experience, he is qualified to step into the classroom when required.


Aunty Chai Hong joined Mothergoose in 1990 and has since been responsible for feeding hordes of hungry children and teachers for the past 23 years.Many a picky eater have gained weight under her watch. It is testament to her cooking ability that our teachers enjoy the same food that is prepared daily for the children.

Aunty Chai Hong has the Food Safety & Hygiene certification, and does not use MSG in her cooking.

Aunty Angeline

Gardener and Cleaner

Although Aunty Angeline was not employed at Mothergoose, she was by association part of Mothergoose’s extended family.

Now she is putting her horticultural talents to good use at Orion, tending to our little planting strip and periodically adding colour and diversity to the flower and plant life here.

Aunty Angeline is also tasked with maintaining the cleanliness of our premises – a duty that she goes about daily with great care and little fuss.

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